Measuring Skyglow Over the Front Range

IDA Colorado members and others are working to find new approaches to measuring skyglow where our problem is greatest, the Front Range Urban Corridor, along a line from Pueblo, through Denver, and north to Fort Collins.  Airplane flights are being used to capture skyglow images from about 3000 feet above ground level.  The National Park Service Night Sky Team is creating their all-sky false-color images from the ground, to compare to the images taken from the airplane.  Photographers are taking conventional photographs from viewpoints in the foothills immediately west of the Urban Corridor.  And IDA members are taking conventional SQM readings at a number of locations along the Urban Corridor. 

We’re working with a variety of partners:  in addition to IDA Colorado members, other participants include Jeremy White from the National Park Service Night Sky Team, the people at Lighthawk Conservation Flying, CSU’s Dr. Kyle Horton, and leading Colorado videographer and photographer Diego Rodriguez.  If you would like to help, please contact Richard OBrien ([email protected]).

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