Our Work

What is Light Pollution?

There are four types of light pollution:

Impacts of Light Pollution


Studies show harmful effects on wildlife and plants. 


A huge amount of energy is wasted on unneeded lighting.  Generating the wasted electricity produces greenhouse gasses. 


It’s a myth that more light means more safety.  Too much light can reduce safety. 


Scientific studies show artificial light is linked to many diseases. 

Light Pollution in Colorado

Colorado light pollution map
Colorado light pollution map

The website LightPollution.info provides mapping of a number of different light pollution measures. 

Colorado has some areas that are quite dark, but the cities contribute an alarming amount of sky glow. 

Join the International Dark-sky Association

IDA members with a Colorado mailing address are automatically part of the Colorado chapter. 

Colorado chapter members get a monthly newsletter and other benefits. 

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